The original implementation
Let us start with the AST definitions. Terms are represented as follows 1:
data ITerm
= Ann CTerm Type
| Bound Int
| Free Name
| ITerm :@: CTerm
deriving (Show, Eq)
data CTerm
= Inf ITerm
| Lam CTerm
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Name
= Global String
| Local Int
| Quote Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Type
= TFree Name
| Fun Type Type
deriving (Show, Eq)
So we have ITerm
and CTerm
inferrable and checkable terms, respectively. This
distinction stems from the type checking approach taken by the paper,
which is called bidirectional type checking. More about it
later. For now, just focus on the data constructors, which are pretty
self-explanatory; the only curious cases are Ann
, but let us ignore them as well for a moment.
We distinguish two kinds of variables: Bound
and Free
ones. The first kind of variables is called De Bruijn
indices: each bound variable is a natural number (starting from
zero) that designates the number of binders between itself and a
corresponding binder. For example, the term
\x -> \y -> x
(the “K combinator”) is represented as
\_ -> \_ -> 1
. (If we were returning y
instead of x
, we would write 0
The second kind of variables can divide into three subkinds:
, Local
and Quote
. Global
variables are represented as strings and should not possess any
surprises; the two other kinds will become clearer later.
Now, terms must evaluate to something. Evaluated terms are called values:
data Value
= VLam (Value -> Value)
| VNeutral Neutral
data Neutral
= NFree Name
| NApp Neutral Value
vfree :: Name -> Value
vfree n = VNeutral (NFree n)
Values are either fully evaluated lambda abstractions
or neutral terms VNeutral
. Lambda
abstractions are represented as Haskell functions; you can say that you
are using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax as a semantic
domain here to assert self-dominance. Neutral terms are
computations blocked by a variable whose value is unknown: for example,
if we apply some value brrr
to a variable x
we will obtain NApp (NFree $ Global "x") brrr
. This is what
people call open evaluation, that is, evaluation that can
account for free variables.
The evaluation algorithm itself:
type Env = [Value]
type NameEnv v = [(Name, v)]
iEval :: ITerm -> (NameEnv Value, Env) -> Value
iEval (Ann e _) d = cEval e d
iEval (Free x) d = case lookup x (fst d) of Nothing -> (vfree x); Just v -> v
iEval (Bound ii) d = (snd d) !! ii
iEval (e1 :@: e2) d = vapp (iEval e1 d) (cEval e2 d)
vapp :: Value -> Value -> Value
vapp (VLam f) v = f v
vapp (VNeutral n) v = VNeutral (NApp n v)
cEval :: CTerm -> (NameEnv Value, Env) -> Value
cEval (Inf ii) d = iEval ii d
cEval (Lam e) d = VLam (\x -> cEval e (((\(e, d) -> (e, (x : d))) d)))
Since we have two kinds of terms, the evaluation function is divided into two kinds as well. Here is a case-by-case explanation of the algorithm:
iEval (Ann e _) d
: this rule just pushes evaluation to the checkable terme
.iEval (Free x) d
: if we can find the free variablex
in the environment of free variablesfst d
, we return its value; otherwise, we return a neutral valuevfree x
.iEval (Bound ii) d
: we return the value of the bound variableii
from the environment of bound variablessnd d
. The nice trick here is that the i-th position withinEnv
corresponds to the value of the variable i (i.e., the environment is De Bruijn-indexed), so the ridiculously ugly operator!!
is enough.iEval (e1 :@: e2) d
: we evaluate the two terms and hand them tovapp
. Invapp
, if the first value isVLam
, we just apply the second value to it; otherwise, we return a neutral valueVNeutral (NApp n v)
.cEval (Inf ii) d
: as withAnn
, we just push evaluation to the inferrable termii
.cEval (Lam e) d
: we return a Haskell function as an evaluated lambda abstraction. In it, we acceptx
as an evaluated argument. Our job within the function is to evaluate the bodye
in an environment extended withx
. SinceEnv
indices are De Bruijn indices, and the De Bruijn index ofx
, we extend the environment of bound variables withx
by prepending it. Once we are done with that, we evaluate the bodye
in the new environment of bound variables.
To be able to see the result of evaluation, we need a mechanism for
printing values. Since Haskell cannot derive Show
VLam (Value -> Value)
, we need to implement the
mechanism on our own. The approach taken in the paper is to define a
conversion function quote
that takes a value back to a
(printable) term:
quote0 :: Value -> CTerm
quote0 = quote 0
quote :: Int -> Value -> CTerm
quote ii (VLam f) = Lam (quote (ii + 1) (f (vfree (Quote ii))))
quote ii (VNeutral n) = Inf (neutralQuote ii n)
neutralQuote :: Int -> Neutral -> ITerm
neutralQuote ii (NFree x) = boundfree ii x
neutralQuote ii (NApp n v) = neutralQuote ii n :@: quote ii v
boundfree :: Int -> Name -> ITerm
boundfree ii (Quote k) = Bound (ii - k - 1)
boundfree ii x = Free x
takes 1) a natural number (starting from zero) of
binders that have been passed so far, and 2) a value to be converted to
a term. Again, here is a case-by-case explanation:
quote ii (VLam f)
: this is where theQuote
constructor is used: we applyf
tovfree (Quote ii)
, recursivelyquote
the result of the substitution on a new levelii + 1
, and wrap it inLam
.Quote ii
is effectively a De Bruijn level 2: if it occurs somewhere inf (vfree (Quote ii))
, we will convert it to a proper bound variable.quote ii (VNeutral n)
: we push the conversion toneutralQuote
:neutralQuote ii (NFree x)
: inboundfree
, 1) ifx
is aQuote k
variable (that has been applied tof
while convertingVLam f
), then we can convert it to aBound
variable using the formulaii - k - 1
. By doing so, we essentially convert a De Bruijn levelk
to a proper De Bruijn index. 2) Ifx
is any other kind of a variable, we just return it without changes.neutralQuote ii (NApp n v)
: nothing interesting here; we just push the conversion toneutralQuote
To see how it works, take our lovely K combinator as an example 3:
quote 0 (VLam (\x -> VLam (\y -> x)))
Lam (quote 1 (VLam (\y -> vfree (Quote 0))))
Lam (Lam (quote 2 (vfree (Quote 0))))
Lam (Lam (quote 2 (VNeutral (NFree (Quote 0)))))
Lam (Lam (Inf (neutralQuote 2 (NFree (Quote 0)))))
Lam (Lam (Inf (boundfree 2 (Quote 0))))
Lam (Lam (Inf (Bound 1)))
Finally, let us move on to type checking. The type and data definitions are:
type Context = [(Name, Info)]
data Info
= HasKind Kind
| HasType Type
deriving (Show)
data Kind = Star
deriving (Show)
type Result a = Either String a
is a list containing typing information
about every free variable in a term that we want to
HasKind Star
means that a variable is a type variable.HasType ty
means that a variable is a term variable of the typety
is just the Either
monad with
used as the error type.
The type checking algorithm is defined as follows 4:
cKind :: Context -> Type -> Kind -> Result ()
cKind g (TFree x) Star =
case lookup x g of
Just (HasKind Star) -> return ()
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
cKind g (Fun kk kk') Star =
cKind g kk Star
cKind g kk' Star
iType0 :: Context -> ITerm -> Result Type
iType0 = iType 0
iType :: Int -> Context -> ITerm -> Result Type
iType ii g (Ann e ty) =
cKind g ty Star
cType ii g e ty
return ty
iType ii g (Free x) =
case lookup x g of
Just (HasType ty) -> return ty
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
iType ii g (e1 :@: e2) =
si <- iType ii g e1
case si of
Fun ty ty' -> do
cType ii g e2 ty
return ty'
_ -> throwError "illegal application"
cType :: Int -> Context -> CTerm -> Type -> Result ()
cType ii g (Inf e) ty =
ty' <- iType ii g e
unless (ty == ty') (throwError "type mismatch")
cType ii g (Lam e) (Fun ty ty') =
(ii + 1)
((Local ii, HasType ty) : g)
(cSubst 0 (Free (Local ii)) e)
cType ii g _ _ =
throwError "type mismatch"
checks that a given type is well-formed in a given
context. In cKind g (TFree x) Star
, if we can find the
variable x
in the context g
, and it is a type
variable, then we return ()
. If there is no such variable
in the context, we throw an error. The algorithm, for some reason, does
not consider the case when the variable exists but is not a type
variable, so this function is partial. The second case is
Then two functions follow, iType
and cType
They are the reason why we separated the representation of terms into
inferrable and checkable: while certain terms can be inferred
(variables, applications, and type annotations), some can only be
checked (lambda abstractions and Inf
) 5.
To type-check such a language, we employ bidirectional type
checking. In detail, we have the function iType
infers a type of a term and cType
that checks a
term against a given type. These functions are mutually recursive:
whenever iType
needs to check a term, it calls
, and vice versa.
The cases of iType
just encode the corresponding rules
of a simply typed lambda calculus. This function is partial as well, now
for two reasons: 1) the case iType ii g (Free x)
does not
consider the scenario when the variable is present but is not a term
variable, and 2) iType
does not handle Bound
variables at all.
The only interesting case of cType
cType ii g (Lam e) (Fun ty ty')
. To check a lambda
abstraction, we manually substitute all references to the binder with
(Free (Local ii))
– again, this is a De Bruijn
level; then we check the body e
in the context
extended with (Local ii, HasType ty)
. If the
binder is referred somewhere in the body e
, we will
encounter it in the case iType ii g (Free x)
Here are the definitions of iSubst
iSubst :: Int -> ITerm -> ITerm -> ITerm
iSubst ii r (Ann e ty) = Ann (cSubst ii r e) ty
iSubst ii r (Bound j) = if ii == j then r else Bound j
iSubst ii r (Free y) = Free y
iSubst ii r (e1 :@: e2) = iSubst ii r e1 :@: cSubst ii r e2
cSubst :: Int -> ITerm -> CTerm -> CTerm
cSubst ii r (Inf e) = Inf (iSubst ii r e)
cSubst ii r (Lam e) = Lam (cSubst (ii + 1) r e)
The function is pretty boring: all it does is just substituting a
selected Bound
variable for ITerm
. In fact, we
have already seen substitution happening in iEval
; the
difference is that now we do not have the opportunity to mimick
substitution with a native Haskell function application, because the
syntax of terms is first-order (it does not represent lambda
abstractions in terms of Haskell functions).
Let us complete the section with some examples:
id' = Lam (Inf (Bound 0))
const' = Lam (Lam (Inf (Bound 1)))
tfree a = TFree (Global a)
free x = Inf (Free (Global x))
term1 = Ann id' (Fun (tfree "a") (tfree "a")) :@: free "y"
term2 =
( Fun
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
( Fun
(tfree "a")
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
:@: id'
:@: free "y"
env1 =
[ (Global "y", HasType (tfree "a")),
(Global "a", HasKind Star)
env2 = [(Global "b", HasKind Star)] ++ env1
-- Inf (Free (Global "y"))
test_eval1 = quote0 (iEval term1 ([], []))
-- Lam (Inf (Bound 0))
test_eval2 = quote0 (iEval term2 ([], []))
-- Right (TFree (Global "a"))
test_type1 = iType0 env1 term1
-- Right (Fun (TFree (Global "b")) (TFree (Global "b")))
test_type2 = iType0 env2 term2
The first alternative, higher-order style
“We pick an implementation that allows us to follow the type system closely, and that reduces the amount of technical overhead to a relative minimum, so that we can concentrate on the essence of the algorithms involved.” – I simply cannot agree with this statement from the paper.
Let us enumerate all the naming schemes used in the original implementation:
- De Bruijn indices
; - De Bruijn levels
for type checking; - De Bruijn levels
for quoting; - Named variables
; - Higher-Order Abstract Syntax
And yet, with all this machinery at our disposal, we still need to implement substitution manually. This is somewhat sad.
So let us think about how to simplify the implementation.
and cSubst
give us a useful hint: we
basically implement substitution algorithmically, whereas in
the evaluation and quoting code, we can just apply a Haskell function
to a (value) argument to achieve similar behaviour. An
obvious desire would be to employ the same technique for terms, thereby
making them higher-order.
Our decision leads to several consequences:
- Since terms and values will now use the same representation of functions, there is no need to distinguish between them 6.
variables can be removed from the representation, since Haskell is now in charge of substitution.quote
can be removed, since we now only have terms.Quote
variables can be removed, since there is no quoting now.- Terms will no longer derive
automatically, since Haskell cannot print functional values. We will have to implement printing manually. eval
will only take an environment ofFree
variables, since Haskell is now in charge of substitution.iSubst
can be removed, since terms are now higher-order.
Also, let us erase the distinction between checkable and inferrable
terms. The choice to separate them avoids one throwError
the type checker at the expense of requiring us to separate every single
function acting on terms into two functions: iEval
, iSubst
and cSubst
, and
etc., although these functions do not really care about the distinction.
Let us be pragmatic instead of being smart.
The new data definitions are:
data Term
= Ann Term Type
| Free Name
| Term :@: Term
| Lam (Term -> Term)
data Name
= Global String
| Local Int
deriving (Eq)
data Type
= TFree Name
| Fun Type Type
deriving (Eq)
The key change is that Lam
is now a Haskell function
Term -> Term
. The eval
algorithm is now
even simpler:
eval :: Term -> NameEnv Term -> Term
eval (Ann e _) env = eval e env
eval (Free x) env = case lookup x env of Nothing -> Free x; Just v -> v
eval (e1 :@: e2) env = vapp (eval e1 env) (eval e2 env)
eval (Lam f) env = Lam (\x -> eval (f x) env)
vapp :: Term -> Term -> Term
vapp (Lam f) v = f v
vapp e1 e2 = e1 :@: e2
Notice how we evaluate Lam f
: we return a new
that accepts a value x
as an argument,
invokes native Haskell substitution f x
, and evaluates the
expansion in the same environment of global variables.
The data definitions for type checking are the same. The type checker is now:
cKind :: Context -> Type -> Kind -> Result ()
cKind g (TFree x) Star =
case lookup x g of
Just (HasKind Star) -> return ()
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
cKind g (Fun kk kk') Star =
cKind g kk Star
cKind g kk' Star
iType0 :: Context -> Term -> Result Type
iType0 = iType 0
iType :: Int -> Context -> Term -> Result Type
iType ii g (Ann e ty) =
cKind g ty Star
cType ii g e ty
return ty
iType _ g (Free x) =
case lookup x g of
Just (HasType ty) -> return ty
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
iType ii g (e1 :@: e2) =
si <- iType ii g e1
case si of
Fun ty ty' -> do
cType ii g e2 ty
return ty'
_ -> throwError "illegal application"
iType _ _ (Lam _) = throwError "not inferrable"
cType :: Int -> Context -> Term -> Type -> Result ()
cType ii g (Lam f) (Fun ty ty') =
(ii + 1)
((Local ii, HasType ty) : g)
(f (Free (Local ii)))
cType _ _ (Lam _) _ =
throwError "expected a function type"
cType ii g e ty =
ty' <- iType ii g e
unless (ty == ty') (throwError "type mismatch")
The key change here is that instead of calling cSubst
, we just apply f
Free (Local ii)
. This is possible because f
now a Haskell function. Also, we can throw the error
"not inferrable"
in iType
if we are asked to
infer Lam
Finally, we need a way to print terms. “As we mentioned earlier, the
use of higher-order abstract syntax requires us to define a
quote function that takes a Value
back to a term.”
– this is not true. Of course, quoting to a printable term is a way to
go, but it is not the only option. Instead, we can derive
for Term
instance Show Term where
show = go 0
go ii (Ann e ty) = "(" ++ go ii e ++ " : " ++ show ty ++ ")"
go _ (Free x) = show x
go ii (e1 :@: e2) = "(" ++ go ii e1 ++ " " ++ go ii e2 ++ ")"
go ii (Lam f) = "(λ. " ++ go (ii + 1) (f (Free (Local ii))) ++ ")"
instance Show Type where
show (TFree x) = show x
show (Fun ty ty') = "(" ++ show ty ++ " -> " ++ show ty' ++ ")"
instance Show Name where
show (Global x) = x
show (Local ii) = show ii
Let us test our new implementation:
id' = Lam (\x -> x)
const' = Lam (\x -> Lam (\_ -> x))
tfree a = TFree (Global a)
free x = Free (Global x)
term1 = Ann id' (Fun (tfree "a") (tfree "a")) :@: free "y"
term2 =
( Fun
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
( Fun
(tfree "a")
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
:@: id'
:@: free "y"
env1 =
[ (Global "y", HasType (tfree "a")),
(Global "a", HasKind Star)
env2 = [(Global "b", HasKind Star)] ++ env1
-- (((λ. 0) : (a -> a)) y)
test_id_show = show term1
-- ((((λ. (λ. 0)) : ((b -> b) -> (a -> (b -> b)))) (λ. 0)) y)
test_const_show = show term2
-- y
test_eval1 = show (eval term1 [])
-- (λ. 0)
test_eval2 = show (eval term2 [])
-- Right a
test_type1 = show (iType0 env1 term1)
-- Right (b -> b)
test_type2 = show (iType0 env2 term2)
All in all, our new implementation uses only three naming schemes:
higher-order Lam
, Global
variables, and De
Bruijn levels Local
. We could also remove global variables
and use Local
instead, but this would make the examples
less readable.
The second alternative, first-order style
Perhaps surprisingly, we can use a first-order 7 encoding for both terms and values without implementing substitution by term traversal. The trick is to use De Bruijn indices for terms and De Bruijn levels for values:
data Term
= Ann Term Type
| Bound Int
| Free Name
| Term :@: Term
| Lam Term
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Name = Global String
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Type
= TFree Name
| Fun Type Type
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Value
= VLam Env Term
| VNeutral Neutral
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Neutral
= NVar Int
| NFree Name
| NApp Neutral Value
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Env = [Value]
vvar :: Int -> Value
vvar n = VNeutral (NVar n)
vfree :: Name -> Value
vfree n = VNeutral (NFree n)
The Bound
constructor is a De Bruijn index, whereas
is a De Bruijn level. The VLam
constructor is called a closure: a lambda body
and an environment Env
bundled together.
The Env
contains values for all unbound variables in
, except for the variable Bound 0
, which
is the lambda binder. Later, when we should apply VLam
some argument v
, we will extend the environment with
by prepending it 8.
Here is the evaluation algorithm:
type NameEnv v = [(Name, v)]
eval :: Term -> (NameEnv Value, Env) -> Value
eval (Ann e _) d = eval e d
eval (Bound ii) d = snd d !! ii
eval (Free x) d = case lookup x (fst d) of Nothing -> vfree x; Just v -> v
eval (e1 :@: e2) d = vapp (fst d) (eval e1 d) (eval e2 d)
eval (Lam m) d = VLam (snd d) m
vapp :: NameEnv Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
vapp e (VLam d m) v = eval m (e, v : d)
vapp _ (VNeutral n) v = VNeutral (NApp n v)
There are two interesting cases:
eval (Lam m) d
: we do not perform any evaluation here; instead, we just construct a lambda valueVLam
with unevaluatedm
. This is in contrast with the two previous implementations, where we calledeval
under aVLam
binder.vapp e (VLam d m) v
: we prependd
and continue evaluatingm
; sinced
must contain values for all free variables ofm
exceptBound 0
,v : d
will contain values for all free variables inm
, includingBound 0
Since we have the term-value separation again, we can implement
quote0 :: Value -> Term
quote0 = quote [] 0
quote :: NameEnv Value -> Int -> Value -> Term
quote e ii (VLam d m) = Lam (quote e (ii + 1) (eval m (e, vvar ii : d)))
quote e ii (VNeutral n) = neutralQuote e ii n
neutralQuote :: NameEnv Value -> Int -> Neutral -> Term
neutralQuote _ ii (NVar i) = Bound (ii - i - 1)
neutralQuote _ _ (NFree x) = Free x
neutralQuote e ii (NApp n v) = neutralQuote e ii n :@: quote e ii v
To quote VLam d m
, we first evaluate m
the environment d
extended with vvar ii
, which
is a neutral variable corresponding to the current De Bruijn level
. Here, vvar ii
stands as an argument whose
value is unknown. If, during the evaluation of m
, we should
see that it refers to Bound 0
, we will replace
Bound 0
with vvar ii
we have just added to the
environment. We then continue with quoting the evaluated m
under the next level ii + 1
. Finally, we wrap the result in
The data definitions for type checking are:
type GlobalContext = [(Name, Info)]
type Context = [Type]
data Info
= HasKind Kind
| HasType Type
deriving (Show)
data Kind = Star
deriving (Show)
type Result a = Either String a
In addition to Info
, Kind
, and
we have already seen, we introduce
and Context
is a list associating names of global
variables to their Info
, whereas Context
is a
De Bruijn-indexed list of types of bound variables. Context
can only associate term variables to their types; it cannot
contain any information about type variables, since we are only
dealing with simple
The type checking algorithm is:
cKind :: (GlobalContext, Context) -> Type -> Kind -> Result ()
cKind g (TFree x) Star =
case lookup x (fst g) of
Just (HasKind Star) -> return ()
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
cKind g (Fun kk kk') Star =
cKind g kk Star
cKind g kk' Star
iType0 :: GlobalContext -> Term -> Result Type
iType0 g = iType 0 (g, [])
iType :: Int -> (GlobalContext, Context) -> Term -> Result Type
iType ii g (Ann e ty) =
cKind g ty Star
cType ii g e ty
return ty
iType _ g (Bound i) = return (snd g !! i)
iType _ g (Free x) =
case lookup x (fst g) of
Just (HasType ty) -> return ty
Nothing -> throwError "unknown identifier"
iType ii g (e1 :@: e2) =
si <- iType ii g e1
case si of
Fun ty ty' -> do
cType ii g e2 ty
return ty'
_ -> throwError "illegal application"
iType _ _ (Lam _) = throwError "not inferrable"
cType :: Int -> (GlobalContext, Context) -> Term -> Type -> Result ()
cType ii g (Lam m) (Fun ty ty') =
cType (ii + 1) (fst g, ty : snd g) m ty'
cType _ _ (Lam _) _ =
throwError "expected a function type"
cType ii g e ty =
ty' <- iType ii g e
unless (ty == ty') (throwError "type mismatch")
The interesting cases are:
iType _ g (Bound i)
: we index (!!
) the context of bound variablessnd g
. As a result, we obtain the type ofBound i
.cType ii g (Lam m) (Fun ty ty')
: we check the lambda bodym
in an extended context of bound variablesty : snd g
. The old contextsnd g
is extended withty
becauseBound 0
must have the typety
As usual, let us test our implementation:
id' = Lam (Bound 0)
const' = Lam (Lam (Bound 1))
tfree a = TFree (Global a)
free x = Free (Global x)
term1 = Ann id' (Fun (tfree "a") (tfree "a")) :@: free "y"
term2 =
( Fun
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
( Fun
(tfree "a")
(Fun (tfree "b") (tfree "b"))
:@: id'
:@: free "y"
env1 =
[ (Global "y", HasType (tfree "a")),
(Global "a", HasKind Star)
env2 = [(Global "b", HasKind Star)] ++ env1
-- Free (Global "y")
test_eval1 = quote0 (eval term1 ([], []))
-- Lam (Bound 0)
test_eval2 = quote0 (eval term2 ([], []))
-- Right (TFree (Global "a"))
test_type1 = iType0 env1 term1
-- Right (Fun (TFree (Global "b")) (TFree (Global "b")))
test_type2 = iType0 env2 term2
The approach we have taken here is called Normalization by Evaluation, abbreviated as NbE. Over time, it has become a standard way of implementing dependent type theories, as it is both reasonably efficient and easy to implement. An interested reader can find more information from these sources:
- AndrasKovacs/elaboration-zoo by András Kovács.
- “Checking Dependent Types with Normalization by Evaluation: A Tutorial (Haskell Version)” by David Thrane Christiansen.
Final words
We have not touched dependent types – all our discussion was limited to simply typed lambda calculus. Although dependent types are a bit more interesting with respect to type checking, the general idea behind naming schemes remains the same.
In both approaches I have demonstrated, we could get rid of global variables, but I have not done that for the sake of readability of the examples. In the first approach, the essential naming schemes are De Bruijn indices (terms) and higher-order lambda abstractions (values), whereas in the second approach, the essential naming schemes are De Bruijn indices (terms) and De Bruijn levels (values).
Both approaches are reasonably simple. The downside of the first approach is that we had to implement printing manually (although it was not a big deal), whereas the usage examples of the second approach looked a tad less readable due to De Bruijn indices. The higher-order approach is typically favoured by eDSL designers, whereas the first-order approach is predominantly used as an internal representation of a compiler/interpreter. Since we can transform named variables to De Bruijn indices automatically, the end user should not notice any difference.
If you feel confused about anything, feel free to ask in the comments.
The language sources are taken from the official implementation.↩︎
Contrary to a De Bruijn index, a De Bruijn level is a natural number indicating the number of binders between the variable’s binder and the term’s root. For example, the term
\x -> \y -> x
is represented as\_ -> \_ -> 0
, where0
is the De Bruijn level ofx
. The De Bruijn level ofy
would be1
if we used it instead ofx
.↩︎Update: the reduction sequence missed the
constructor; see this comment.↩︎The code requires
import Control.Monad.Except
.↩︎The sole reason for this separation is that in our language, the syntax of binders does not possess typing information: for example, we cannot tell algorithmically whether
\x -> x
is a function from integers to integers, from strings to strings, and etc. – there are infinitely many possibilities. By annotating functions, we can always tell their exact types. A more proper introduction to bidirectional type checking can be found in “Bidirectional Typing Rules: A Tutorial” by David Raymond Christiansen.↩︎Separating terms and values can facilitate type safety, but our language is so small that this does not make any sense.↩︎
An encoding is first-order iff it does not contain Haskell functions.↩︎
That being said, the i-th value of
corresponds to the i+1-th variable in the lambda body. Prepending an argument toEnv
works because indices of all the previous values ofEnv
will be “incremented” automatically!↩︎Strictly speaking, printing does not require
if values are already first-order. However, our newquote
is algorithmically different from the previous ones: it pushes evaluation under a binder, essentially serving as a beta-normalizer. Thus, if we want to print a fully normalized term, we still need to implementquote